


After ten long years of breakout after breakout, I can say with much relief that I have finally found peace with my skin. As most of us experienced, it all started during puberty. I seemed to have it worse than your average teenager, experiencing breakouts on not only my face but my chest and back as well. If only I knew what was in store for me when I turned 20.

Just as I thought I was outgrowing my pimple phase, adult acne hit me full force. I had deep, painful cystic acne in all the previous places but the inflammation became rash-like in appearance on my neck. I was so embarrassed I tried to cover it with heaps of foundation every day. This attempt to hide from reality didn’t do me or my skin any good. I simply irritated my pores more by plugging them up and continued to receive heartfelt yet misguided condolences for catching poison oak on my face. Ouch.

My dermatologist insisted I try a drug like Accutane, but I knew there had to be another way to clear my skin that didn’t involve such harsh chemicals. That’s when the research began. I realized how many different types and causes of acne there are and that the main culprit of adult acne is typically hormones and poor gut health. And so, refusing to continue as normal, I changed my lifestyle. I cut out endocrine disruptors such as dairy and soy, processed sugars and other unnecessary food items that can negatively influence hormones and digestion- replacing such items with whole foods and herbal supplements that were much more nutritious. I started to take my fitness to new levels, incorporating yoga and exercise into my day to day routine. I increased my water intake and decreased my stress through movement, meditation and journaling.

All of these internal practices were critical for not only healing my skin but also improving my overall wellbeing. These newly cultivated habits guided me towards natural and organic products, including my skin care. When I began to actually read the labels and research what went into all of these lotions, creams and serums I was shocked to find so many toxic and harmful ingredients! I didn’t understand how long lists of unpronounceable mystery chemicals could be better than naturally derived ingredients, so I made an effort to switch. As a young person in school, it can be difficult to justify spending more on organic products over easy to find and cheaper drugstore brands, but I discovered that the more I invested in myself and my skin, the less product I needed to see results and feel beautiful. Now instead of buying product after product at the drugstore, I can rely on a nutrient rich skincare system that gives my skin everything it needs.

Along this journey, I’ve realized that finding balance within is the way to feeling beautiful in one’s own skin. No matter if you have acne, sensitivity, dryness or any other skin concern, there are ways to feel confident and empowered as your skin heals itself. Providing your body with love, nutrition and quality care are essential, but be sure to take a deep breath and remain patient and compassionate through the process. There’s no replacement for genuine self love, so treat yourself well and let your inner light shine bright at every age and every stage.

I typed this title and then stopped and laughed. You don’t need me to tell you how to age beautifully – You’re already aging beautifully! I realized that the question is more whether YOU know that you’re already aging beautifully.


Are you warm? Do you love? Are you there when a good friend needs you? Do you have a sense of
humor? Does the way you dress reflect your distinctive sense of style? Have you mastered the challenge of looking after yourself fully as well as you deserve?

I’m confident that you are at least some of these beautiful things, or all of them, or that you can name a whole other list of radiantly gorgeous attributes.

Beauty that has meaning shines out from within. We are all quick to notice it in others, but sometimes slower to notice it in ourselves.


The Irish poet, John O’Donahue refers wonderfully to beauty as “the illumination at the heart of the soul”.

The slow blossoming of your inner beauty over the course of your life is almost inevitable, and it can also be encouraged by all kinds of good lifestyle choices.

Meditation, having real fun on a regular basis, expressing your emotions, climbing mountains (real or metaphorical), spending time with your favorite people.

Meaningful acts that deepen our self awareness invoke a sense that we are living life to the fullest.


Treating your body with love makes all the difference. Healthy food, stimulating exercise. Yoga, Tai Chi and a relaxing massage by loving hands is always a treat. By remaining in tune with a balanced body, we feel more capable and willing to live a beautiful life.


And it may be the least of these to make sure you look after your skin really well. Choose natural, intensively nourishing skincare products that feel and smell delicious and leave you looking radiant every time you use them.

Here’s to your beautiful journey of looking and feeling wonderful!

It might go against everything the market is telling you, but you do not need a whole shelf of moisturizing creams.  You only need one good organic moisturizer. It should give all of your face the tender loving care it deserves –  including  the thinner, delicate skin under your eyes –  as well as your neck and décolleté.

Day, Night, Eye, Face, BB, CC?

Moisturizing creams supposedly formulated for specialized purposes are great for grabbing your attention, but there’s hardly any real difference between them. A good moisturizer should protect and nourish every part of your face, including the delicate areas around the eyes.

I decided to test my cream on twenty of my fussiest friends who were using the most expensive beauty brands. This was no easy task, as they truly believed in all the hype – they thought that the more expensive the product, the better it must work… To my delight, 100% of them came back saying “this is the best moisturizer I’ve ever used.” – About Gaelle Organic

The Right Cream For You

The fact is, one cream is all you need, day or night, for all of your face, neck and décolleté – provided it is the right cream for your skin. The key is to find the right formulation for your skin, and stick to it to reap the long-term benefits.

You and your moisturizer should feel caught up in a love affair. Nothing less is good enough for your skin.”  -Gaelle

How to Tell if a Moisturizer is Right for Your Skin

You can easily tell if your moisturizer is working for you. It should plump up your skin and make fine lines disappear – right away. The most obvious sign is that your skin will feel silky-smooth and look radiant. With time, these immediate results should continue to improve.

If you are not seeing these results, the solution is not to buy more products for different parts of your face, or for different times of day or night. The solution is to find a good organic moisturizer that works for you!

Gaelle Organic Creme Superieure | Organic Anti Aging Moisturizer | Organic Moisturizer

Judge By Your Results

Seeing is believing! If you are using the right cream for your skin, you should see results immediately, and your skin should become more and more beautiful the longer you use it. That is what we expect of the organic moisturizers we have formulated.

The Best Organic Moisturizers

The best organic moisturizers are oil-based.  If you have tried organic moisturizers before, and did not see the results you wanted, it may be because the ones your tried contained alcohol as a preservative. Alcohol can be troublesome in skincare, especially on dry skin.

That’s why our organic anti-aging moisturizers –  Crème Supérieure and, for extra sensitive skin, Ultra Sensitive Crème –  are made from fine organic oils and botanical extracts, entirely free of alcohol. Their results speak for themselves!

I see women of all ages everyday who misuse makeup by trying to mimic movie stars and models when in fact they themselves are more beautiful.

You cannot copy the makeup of other people and expect it to look good on you. The shape of your features will change the highlights and shadows and give a different look to a design that you copy. It’s much better to go with your own approach, following these simple tips.


Makeup is best when the brushstrokes are not seen and the colors blend in with your face.


When using eyeliner, use a color that emphasizes and enhances the color of your eyes. The liner should be barely noticeable. It’s your eyes that should stand out, not your eyeliner. Eyebrow pencil or powder, when needed, should be applied lightly to follow your natural eyebrow. I use a pencil then brush over it to soften the brow so that it appears natural.


A dab of blush is all you need on your cheeks. To get the outline of your cheek bone, suck in your mouth. Just a dab underneath the cheek bone is all you need. You can also put a dab on your lids. It will soften your eyes and give you a romantic look.


Lipstick should never look heavy or be the dominant color on your face. Lips are sexy and are to be kissed. You can outline your lips with a natural color for definition, then add lip gloss before using a lipstick color. This will give your lips a fuller, translucent look that will be more appealing. If you use a translucent lipstick, you can skip the gloss. I use gloss first whenever I want to use a lipstick with a deeper color. That way, you notice my lips, not the color.


I’m not a big fan of foundation for daily use. It makes most women look older and pasty. Actors and models need it to go before the camera. And, of course, they get lighted properly and retouched. A hint of lavender-colored translucent powder is lovely for an evening glow.

That’s all you need. I’m delighted to see the no-makeup look become fashionable. It is so much more attractive – and so easy!

It’s easy to care for puffy eyes. Just make a cup of green tea with two tea bags, then refrigerate the bags. Once they have gotten cold, lay down and use them as compresses on your eyes.

Green tea is packed with antioxidants that are twenty times stronger than Vitamin C and contains anti-inflammatories that can help with swelling. It is an elixir for the body and does wonders for the skin, either as a drink or applied topically, but, if you are using it on puffy eyes, make sure it is cold, as the heat from warm tea may increase the puffiness.

If your eyes keep getting puffy, you might take this as a sign your body wants a little more tender loving care. A peaceful eight hours of sleep is often remedy enough for puffy eyes and dark circles. So is good hydration. And bear in mind that sugar creates inflammation in the body that can show up around the eyes. The thin skin there is more prone to swelling.

Persistently puffy eyes can also be caused by the tiny particles from hairspray and other aerosols getting onto the eyelids – something to be careful about when using them.

You can read more about the extraordinary beauty benefits of green tea, either as a drink or applied topically, here:

Here’s to your sparkly clear eyes!

Being a model when I was in my twenties, I was always comparing myself to other models who were thinner, smaller-breasted and taller than me. My insecurities told me that they were all prettier than I was. I hadn’t a clue about real beauty. I had only what the media told me was attractive and acceptable.

You can see how I was from the picture here. At the time it was taken, I just didn’t think I was pretty.

Genuine beauty comes from a healthy mind, body and spirit, all living together in harmony. It is life-deep, not based on how tall or thin or whatever else we are.

The Irish poet John O’Donahue calls beauty “the illumination at the heart of the soul.” I can’t find a more beautiful way to say it.

And what better way to cultivate timeless beauty than to let your light shine!

Balm Superieure | Organic Cleansing Balm | Enhanced Oil Cleansing Method | Gaelle Organic SkincareThe Oil Cleansing Method can be made to work for everyone, irrespective of skin type and sensitivities- but it may take a few tries to get it right. A few important concepts to consider are your skin type, desired outcome, and application process. Here we’ll discuss how to make the oil cleansing method work for you.

Choosing your Oils

One of the main issues is that there is no perfect oil or oil cleansing recipe for everyone. This is because the oil cleansing method must be catered to your individual skin type. We also must take sensitivities into account, as some are more reactive to common carrier oils such as almond or coconut.

Normally, the choice of oils stops once you find the ones that suit your skin, but you can take oil cleansing to another level. The Enhanced Oil Cleansing Method involves using oils that are tailored to your specific, desired outcomes. Some common goals include balancing oily skin, clearing acne, or enlivening dull, dry skin.

If relieving dry skin and preventing skin aging is your primary concern, our Balm Superieure is a fantastic oil elixir for the enhanced oil cleansing method. It includes oils of jojoba, grapeseed, clary sage and citrus for a deep, nourishing cleanse. We’ve formulated it to be considerate of most skin types and conditions making it a universally beneficial cleansing oil.

How to Oil Cleanse

Perfect for those seeking to simplify- the oil cleansing method can be used both morning and night. It may seem counterintuitive to use oils on our face, but our natural oils are attracted to the oils in the cleanser. This provides a deep cleanse without drying the skin.

The first step involves taking a few drops of the cleanser and warming it in your hands. Then apply to the face, neck and decollete in gentle, circular motions. Focus on dry or problem areas to ensure that you’re removing all dirt, pollution and makeup. Next, take a washcloth with warm water and gently remove from the skin in upward movements. It’s important to avoid pulling down as this drags the skin and can cause stretching and eventually wrinkles. Finally, follow with a toner and moisturizer. You will be amazed by how clean yet nourished your skin feels.

By using the enhanced oil cleansing method, we’re working with our skin’s natural oils rather than against them. In finding the right fusion for your skin, you’ll reveal healthy, glowing skin that becomes more and more radiant with time.

If your skin stings, burns, reddens, or feels tight, after using skin care products, then you’re probably quite well aware that you have sensitive skin.

But if your skin is prone to flareups, is lumpy or bumpy, and maybe still feels like ‘problem teenage skin’ – even though you’re 45 – then it may come as a surprise to realise that it could be your skin care products that are causing the problem.

I was so pleased recently to help one lovely lady called Jessica, who I could see straight away was using products too harsh for her delicate complexion. Later she emailed to say “I was so amazed to realize that my problem all along was just sensitive skin! It was lumpy at my temples and in front of my ears, and prone to breakouts, and it just hated foundation or anything like that.”

“It didn’t used to turn red or sting with skin care products or makeup, and it had always been a bit oily, so it never crossed my mind that I might need products for sensitive skin.”

“Switching to milder organic skincare products has been a total revelation. I laugh now to realise that I reached my forties before I really had a clue what my skin really needed.”

“And I’ve got to say that the Ultra Sensitive Crème feels so great on my skin that I look forward to it as a ridiculous treat every morning and evening. How delightful.”

So, if your skin is sensitive, you probably already know you need to avoid harsh chemicals, and even some naturally-derived ingredients such as drying alcohols. Strongly-perfumed products are worth avoiding too. Keep your skincare routine down to the basics, by using simple organic products. That’s what your skin needs.

Of all our luscious products, our Ultra Sensitive Crème Anti-aging Moisturizer is the one that people most often seem to experience as a kind of religious conversion! They’re so amazed by what it does for their skin. I just love being part of that.

Many of us know that we should be using a moisturizer, but we may not fully understand what the benefits are, or should be. The importance of moisturizer can not be over stated. Creams and oils provide vital support to our first line of defense from the elements. Additionally, we’ve included a list of seven things your moisturizer should be doing for you to encourage healthy, beautiful skin.

Reduce Appearance of Fine Lines

Your moisturizer should plump up your skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines. And it should not need to be supplemented with night creams and eye creams and BB balms. A perfectly formulated moisturizer will deliver everything that your skin cells need to retain moisture and reduce signs of aging.


A great moisturizer will rapidly reduce redness, irritations and breakouts. An important factor to check for that your moisturizer is alcohol free. Unfortunately at lot of organic skin care uses high levels of alcohol as a preservative, but for a lot of people this can be too harsh and drying.


A well formulated moisturizer will soften and smooth your skin texture. Optimal hydration and quality ingredients will encourage healthy skin cell turnover which results in a smooth, supple complexion.


A great cream will restore your luminosity, leaving your complexion lustrous and radiant. A simple rule of thumb to remember is that hydrated skin is healthy, glowing skin.


Your moisturizer should protect your skin from dryness and environmental stressors. When we provide the skin with proper nutrients, it’s barrier function is better able to handle changes in climate and external extremes.


Buying a self care product should be a soul-nourishing experience. It’s important to feel good about the industries we support with out dollar from source to sale. Click here to learn about our organic certification, and the high standards we value holding ourselves to.


And last but definitely not least, your moisturizer should FEEL fantastic. It should SMELL great. It should be doing WONDERFUL things for you and your skin. You and your moisturizer should feel caught up in a love affair . Nothing less is good enough for your skin.

With the right moisturizer, you will see all of these results right away, and your skin will become more and more beautiful the longer you use it.

I’m happy to say that our Crème Supérieure Anti-aging Moisturizer and our Ultra Sensitive Crème Anti-aging Moisturizer are formulated to deliver all of this for your skin. Click the links to learn more and shop our full collection!

‘Young-looking skin’ may be what many think they are looking for, but if you’re currently blessed with actual youth, you may feel a bit more ambivalent about young skin!

Hormonal eruptions, dark circles from burning the candle at both ends, stress, and the after-effects of fun makeup and facial treatments can leave your skin feeling blemished and irritated.


If your skin is prone to breakouts, then the first thing I would say, is that you absolutely need to avoid harsh products.

It’s true that your skin’s natural oil production may be at its highest in this part of your life, but violently stripping off this protective mantle is not what your skin needs.

Strong cleansing, and abrasive or acidic scrubs, can give a ‘really clean’ feeling, but actually those products may be irritating your skin, and even causing your breakouts.

If your skin feels tight after cleansing, your cleansing products were too harsh for your skin. Read more on this in my article about whether you have sensitive skin .


It may be tempting to cover over anything in your complexion which is not looking its best – and I did this too, when I suffered with some acne during my young years as a model .

But heavy makeup is aging , and one thing you should definitely feel free to do in your youth is celebrate your clean, clear, bright skin!

And if that’s not how your skin is feeling, then I definitely recommend you look at the products you are using. The right products for you should make your skin look and feel just wonderful.


You are blessed with the opportunity to make great choices about what you put into and onto your body, while much of your life’s path is still ahead of you.

You can start forging a lifetime of self-supporting habits, including choosing healthy natural products , and cultivating a skincare routine that gives your skin just what it needs.

Be careful when choosing organic skincare not to use a brand which relies on high levels of alcohol as a preservative – this may be too harsh for your skin.


But most of all, look after yourself! Treat yourself with love.

Have fun, and live young, and live wild, and make sure you also nourish your body and soul.

Eat things your body loves, and give it invigorating exercise. Meditate, hike, do yoga or tai chi, and nourish your cool calm yin in this fast loud yang world!

Looking and feeling effortlessly beautiful, is the gift your youth should be filled with.