


Over the years, I’ve learned to recognize and appreciate the various stages of my skin. From being a model in my twenties to becoming an esthetician and skincare business owner today, my skin journey is one I’d love to share with you.


As a model I was always in a panic of breaking out before a shoot or a show as I suffered from acne.

Dermatologists treated me with antibiotics and harsh soaps designed to get rid of the excess oils. Neither worked. I found that drying soaps and alcohol-based skincare actually stimulated oil production and irritated the blemishes.

Now I know that eating a diet rich in fruits and veggies works best to keep the digestive system and the skin clean.


At 40, I started getting fine lines under my eyes. I began using a proper moisturizer, every day, both morning and night. Through my training I learned that skin at every age needs an oil-based moisturizer, but maturing skin requires some extra loving care.

As mid-life hormonal changes kicked in, my skin became much drier, and I started moisturizing all over my body as well as my face. From 50 onwards it’s important to use a heavier coat, especially around the eyes, mouth and neck, and replenish by mid day in those areas when needed.


Now at 69, I need all the help I can get! It goes without saying that I look after my skin really well .

And I live well. I make it a priority to eat healthily, meditate and take daily walks in nature. I enjoy a small glass of wine with dinner.

Additionally, I also make sure to get a good nights rest. Sleep is so critical for our health and beauty , honestly nothing takes its place.

Overall, I’m happy to say I feel in good health and enthusiastic about life.


But, everyone’s skin is different. Your skin has its own needs.

Over my career in beauty and skin care, I’ve noticed that it’s women of Irish descent who have the driest skin, followed by Nordic women. If you have Mediterranean skin like mine, or black or Asian skin, you are probably blessed with more natural oils, and need less moisturizer in your youth.


Although generally skin gets drier with age, I have met people under 20 with very dry skin, who need frequent and intensive moisturization. And we might think of breakouts as a teenage phenomenon, but sensitive skin is surprisingly common at every age.

I’ve used all my experience of my own skin and other people’s to formulate our enriched anti-aging skincare so that it works beautifully for everyone.

I hope that regardless of where you are in life, you’re also feeling great in your skin!


Two of the most beautiful women I have ever met were Sophia Loren and Jihan Sadat, who was a dazzling First Lady of Egypt.

What makes these women so extraordinary was that their faces reveal their innermost being. Their souls shine through for all to see.

There are so many beautiful women – at first glance. Maybe they dress in couture, with finely applied cosmetics and beautifully styled hair.

But, unless a woman’s inner beauty is radiant as well, her physical beauty can be short lived.


A woman has to be open-hearted, vulnerable and approachable. As if to say, “here I am.” Too many women hide these treasures for fear of being hurt or being seen as weak. But the opposite is true!

It takes a confident, strong woman to embrace all that she is, and allow it to be seen. When such a woman walks in a room, she is noticed for her captivating beauty.


Recently, I have had the pleasure of meeting several Danish women who embodied this kind of beauty. These women embrace a natural beauty and style that is refreshingly alive.

One of the happiest treats of my Gaelle Organic journey has been the chance to get to know Lotte Barnholdt, our European partner. I think you can see from her photo that her glowing face tells us just who she is. Authentic and wonderful.

People keep telling me I have to watch Borgen, an engrossing Danish TV show about a woman’s rise to political power. Just looking at pictures of the lead actress, the lovely Sidse Knudsen, I realize I must. Just LOOK at that glowing skin, and how her face radiates who she is. Simply beautiful.

I’m wondering why these women from Denmark have this beautiful, rare and precious quality…


My sense is that Denmark is a place where everyone knows that women are at least as interesting as men. Where it’s cool for men to admire women for their natural beauty, their innate intelligence, and their vulnerability.

Perhaps there is something we can learn from the Danish? They certainly have caught my attention.


Enjoying the warmth of the sun on your skin, is one of the great pleasures of summer.

Moderate doses of sunshine help your body produce vitamin D. This essential vitamin keeps your bones good and strong, and even helps ward off diabetes and some cancers.


In excess however, we all know that the ultraviolet radiation in sunlight is strongly aging for your skin. It promotes collagen breakdown and the formation of damaging free radicals.

On the beach, sunscreens may be the most practical option, and I recommend choosing one based on zinc oxide, with no alcohol or perfumes.


For day to day use, reports about the toxicity and absorption of some of the chemicals and preservatives in some sunscreen products, mean that I prefer a more natural approach.

Simple steps like wearing a hat, cooling natural fibres, and long sleeves, plus eating a diet rich in skin-enhancing fruits and vegetables, may be just what your skin needs.

These delicious sun-protective superfoods will not only do you all kinds of good on the inside, but can be protective for your skin as well.

Nourish your skin deeply from the inside, and it will keep looking fantastic on the outside.


Tomatoes are packed with an antioxidant called lycopene, and clinical trials of regular consumption have shown they help protect your skin against sunburn. Watermelons are also rich in lycopene.

The antioxidant beta carotene, found in abundance in orange foods like carrots and sweet potatoes, has been shown to even reverse sun damage.

The vitamin C in strawberries is another potent antioxidant, great for fighting those pesky free radicals.

A botanical compound in green tea – a polyphenol called EGCG – also fights free radicals, and reduces inflammation.

Pomegranates and dark chocolate are rich in antioxidant flavonoids.

The glorious curcumin in turmeric is a strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.

And of course there are more – the vitamin E in almonds, the omega three oils and selenium in oily fishes, the flavonoids in red wine – so many delicious ways to do yourself good.

Here is how to keep your skin beautiful through your summer vacation…


On the plane, or on the beach, make sure to drink plenty of water.

Plane travel is very drying, and dehydrated skin looks tired and dull.


It’s best to completely avoid alcohol on the plane.

And of course  alcohol should also be avoided in your skincare products .


A little sun is good for your health, but if you’re going to get lots, get ready by eating plenty of sun-protective superfoods .

If you need to use a sunscreen, be sure to choose one based on zinc oxide, with no alcohol or perfume.


Even if it’s inconvenient to take all your usual skincare products with you, a summer trip is not a good time to make a break in your skincare routine .

We put together our travel care set to help with this. Even in our small sizes, our products come in glass containers to preserve their potency.


If you do get sunburn, or get chapped from the wind, skip your exfoliant until your skin has healed.

If you can keep your toner in the fridge , applying it cold will boost its pore-minimizing powers.


And the simplest thing to say about summer travel is that you’ll probably be doing lots of drying things to your skin – planes, beaches, outdoor sports – so moisturize, moisturize, moisturize, should be your mantra.

What are Skin Serums?

Skin serums are formulated as powerful adjuncts to your regular skin care routine. They have a high concentration of active ingredients, each of which is intended to serve a particular purpose. Some serums aim to reduce breakouts, others brighten, rejuveninate, or plump and reduce fine lines.

Our deep penetrating Serum Supérieure Bio-Active Complex is designed for radiance and restoration. It illuminates, lightens dark spots, helps reduce fine lines, and protects skin from signs of premature aging.

How Do Serums Work?

Serums are designed to absorb easily so their active ingredients can readily penetrate the skin. Where they differ most is in the kinds of active ingredients they contain. Our serum is packed with high performance natural botanicals. To highlight just a handful of these natural wonders:

Rosehip seed oil evens skin tone and reduces blemishes.

Licorice root extract and a proprietary blend of six additional botanicals promote a brighter, lighter complexion.

The potent antioxidants in green tea and edelweiss extracts help preserve collagen and support firmer, smoother, more supple skin, with fewer lines.

The richly nourishing properties of apricot kernel oil help reduce the appearance of fine lines. Its abundant poly-unsaturated linoleic and oleic fatty acids plump up dry skin to prevent signs of premature aging, and give a soft feel and dewy complexion.

How To Use Serums

Use serum in the mornings and evenings, after you’ve cleansed and dried your skin.

Gently spread one or two pumps of serum onto your face, then extend this treat to your neck and decollete.

Wait a minute or two for your skin to fully absorb all the potent botanicals and follow with a top quality organic moisturizer such as our Crème Supérieure or our Ultra Sensitive Crème.

Enjoy the virtuous glow of well-loved skin!

Getting ourselves certified by Ecocert was a bigger deal than I had expected. The level of detail!  But actually I was thrilled that they take the quality of our products so seriously, and here’s why.


  • Ecocert requires that at least 95% of the plant ingredients in our products be certified as from organic farming.
  • These plants must be processed as lightly as possible.
  • Harmful synthetic ingredients are completely banned.
  • We tell you exactly what’s in all of our products. You see the complete ingredient list, not just selected ‘key ingredients.’
  • All claims of “organic” content are independently verified.


  • Most organic skincare contains a lot of alcohol as that is the only reliable preservative allowed under the U.S. organic standard. But we find alcohol is too drying for the skin and that the full power of organic skincare only becomes available when it is free of alcohol. That’s why we chose to be certified by Ecocert.
  • Ecocert is Europe’s leading organic certifier and their organic cosmetic standard supports top quality skincare without the use of alcohol as a preservative.


  • No GMOs. These are plants the way that nature intended.
  • No irradiation or toxic processing.


  • No animal testing, and no ingredients that have been tested on animals.
  • No ingredients whose production harms animals.


  • Ingredients certified by Ecocert must be kind to the natural world – for example no degradation or contamination of landscape is permitted – ‘negative effects on the natural balance’ are not allowed.
  • Packaging must be recyclable. We bring each of our products to you in one of our beautiful boxes, to keep them out of direct sunlight and preserve all of their potency. But, we keep our packaging to an elegant minimum.

Ecocert have taken a really good hard look at our products, and all the processes we use to bring them to you, and have confirmed that we are in full compliance with their organic cosmetic standard.

And they inspect our lab and audit our records every year to make sure we remain in compliance with it.

We are thrilled to make  eco-certified products. With them, you can enjoy the amazing benefits of alcohol-free organic skincare and see results that speak for themselves!

It surprises me when people find it amazing that I look great in my sixties. Why shouldn’t we look great at any age?

Here’s the real “anti-aging” scoop. I’m so happy to tell you it doesn’t just come in a jar. It is the sum of everything that affects your health in mind, body and spirit.

Mindful Movement

A daily meditation practice that suits you will relieve stress and help shed light on any challenging situation you might find yourself in. You’ll be surprised what a few minutes of gentle breathing and quietly emptying the mind can do.

If you feel tired, take a nap. That’s such a beauty booster as well. And are you getting eight hours of peaceful sleep each night? Herb teas before you go to bed can help promote a blissful night.  Golden milk, too.

Doing exercise that you love will love you in return.

Every day that I can, I practice yoga for about twenty minutes and go on a beautiful one hour walk in nature.

Treat Yourself (Well)

Food quality really matters. Putting great things into your mouth matters just as much as putting great things onto your skin. When traveling, it can be difficult to find organic food, but at home it’s all my family and I eat.

And indulgences, in moderation, are a vital part of nourishing your soul as well as your body. A daily small piece of chocolate with tea is a joy that I wouldn’t think of going without. At dinner a small glass of a fine wine or sake is lovely for unwinding.

Simple Touches

As a former model and makeup artist, I know that less is more, especially as we grow older. Foundation, harsh eye-shadow colors, and too much blush will make you appear older, not younger.

I do love red lipstick, and when used properly, it can be worn day or night without looking made up. I use eyebrow pencil to define my brows, mascara, a discreet eyeliner or a hint of a subtle eye shadow. Gently emphasize your assets. And of course it never hurts to cultivate great skin.

Dress in what makes you feel comfortable and beautiful. I like to dress in clothes that make me feel both feminine and at ease.

At this point and time in my life I try to do what makes me happy. Life is about choices. You can choose to be healthy and radiant at every age.




For centuries, French spas have used finely-milled sea salt to exfoliate and enliven skin. Treatment with this mineral-rich crystal cleanses the pores, removes dead skin cells, and enhances circulation, bringing an immediate, healthy glow to the complexion.


Cell renewal is also enhanced by wIllow bark extract, a natural way to get the exfoliating and anti-aging benefits of ß-hydroxy acid without the drawbacks of sun sensitivity and irritation present in its synthetic form.


Exfoliating is best done after cleansing, while the skin is still damp. Apply exfoliant with your finger tips in a circular motion under the eyes and on the face, neck and décolloté for 30 seconds. Use a light, gentle touch. Rinse with cold water.


Lightly spread your exfoliant and then, instead of your fingertips, massage with a Clarisonic in a rotating motion for 30 seconds. It will take your exfoliation to a new level.


To take your exfoliation to spa level, use Exfoliant Supérieure and leave it on your face for 20 minutes in areas with fine lines. This will allow the natural ß-hydroxy acid in its willow bark extract to work fully. You will look and feel as though you have had a facial.


Exfoliant Supérieure combines French sea salt with willow bark extract in an organic crème of rich emollients so it moisturizes as it exfoliates.

Do not exfoliate sun-burned or chapped skin.

I feel sad when I listen to people tell me of all the trials and tribulations they’ve been through with skin care. How they still feel a bit confused about which products they need, and when and where and why. Which beauty ingredients are the right ones for them and what to do with them.

I’m so happy to spread the message that beauty is much, much simpler than that. You have it already, by dint of who you are! You are already shining through. Others truly do see your kindness or humor or loyalty, or the other things that give you, uniquely, your beauty.

But, good beauty habits do help! And here are a few classic beauty errors I’d love to steer you away from:


Foundation might feel like a nifty cover-up, but it’s aging. Cultivate great skin, and you won’t feel in need of makeup to fix things up.


A cream for madam’s undereye? A potion for your cleavage? A different lotion for mornings, lunchtimes, nightimes, and full moons? Our skin is the same at any time of day, and a perfectly-formulated skin product should be as right for your undereye or your neck as it is for your cheeks and your forehead. The goal is beautiful skin absolutely all over.


Inside and out, our bodies thrive in nature. The harsh ingredients and drying alcohols used in so many ‘beauty’ products are not what your skin would ask for it if could talk. I love that ‘organic’ and ‘effective’ are not in conflict. In a great product, they work together like magic.


Eating well, spending time in nature, exercise that your body enjoys: these are the kind of habits that feed your beauty.


Cultivating great relationships with others, and cultivating a great relationship with yourself, are also habits that feed your beauty.

The recipe for beauty – for feeling great on the inside and the outside – is simple, natural and healthy.

Beauty is a multifaceted thing. Who you are lights you up, from the inside. And cultivating healthy, radiant skin helps your beauty shine through.

A lovely lady I met the other day said ‘Yes, yes yes. I love your blog. I want to read everything you’ve ever said. But first I want a shortcut! I want the lowdown! I want to know how to make my skin totally gorgeous right now!’

So here it is, the lowdown.


Soap Supérieure Moisturizing Cleanser, to leave your skin soft and moist. This is our soft and gentle cleanser with botanical oils and white clay, and like all of our products it’s certified organic, to look after your skin as naturally as possible. Or, if your skin is sensitive, savor the delicious scent of our  Soap Supérieure Rose Geranium.


Next use our Toner Supérieure Pore Refiner to minimize your pores, re-establish your skin’s pH balance, and neutralize any excess secretions, for skin inclined to breakouts. It’s gently astringent, and like all of our range, free from harsh alcohols that could dry out your skin.

Now we reach the core.


Crème Supérieure Anti-Aging Moisturizer was our first product, our first joyous inspiration on this journey of sharing great natural skin care with you. It feels wonderful on your skin, and helps you look wonderful. Jojoba, pomegranate, apricot kernel oil, and rosemary leaf extract are just a few of the intensely nutritive ingredients that help soften and smooth your skin, reduce fine lines, and restore your luminosity.

If your skin is sensitive, then our Ultra Sensitive Crème will be the right one for you. A magical mix of ingredients including edelweiss, colostrum and evening primrose oil will nurture and protect your delicate complexion. Of all of our products, I can’t tell you how often people rave to me about the transformation they experienced when they started using this.


Two or three times a week, use Exfoliant Supérieure Refining Treatment to remove dead skin cells and deeply cleanse the pores.. Gorgeous gray Breton salt and mineral-rich pink salt from Bolivia harmonize with nourishing natural oils and extracts, to restore your natural radiance. You’ll see the difference immediately.


If your skin needs to be brightened, after toning, use  Serum Supérieure Bio-Active Complex. Your face will love soaking up this luxurious treat. Let it dry on your skin and then moisturize.

And with your face so well looked after, the rest of your body will be delighted to enjoy our Body Crème Supérieure Moisturizing Treatment . It’s packed with emollient treasures, from pomegranates to aloe vera.

And there you go.

That’s the simple routine, using only the best ingredients, in the perfect formulations, that can make your skin sing and glow. Just as it should. And you can start today…