


When it comes to living an organic life, it is important to look at how all aspects of your life contribute to make it friendlier to the earth and your body.

When it comes to your beauty products, it is important to shop organically because what goes on your skin should be a natural and healthy as possible.

Shopping consciously for your clothes also has an impact on your look, but also has a greater impact on the world around you.

The fashion industry, like most other industries, is on a journey to ensuring that it continues to thrive while being more globally conscious. Gone are the days where the mass killing of animals to make fur products are widely acceptable.

Gone are the days where jewelers used elephant ivory or child labor to harvest jewels in foreign countries, with complete anonymity.

There are great ways that you can support not only the earth, but the future of fashion by shopping consciously for brands that treat the earth like a friend. If you would like to know how shopping consciously supports small businesses, the earth, and your style, read this article today!


Read the full article here:

You understand that you are what you eat, if you fill your body with natural, healthy, and organic options for food you will notice that you naturally become healthier, more beautiful, and more confident.

The same goes with the type of makeup you use. Why would you put something on your face that is full of chemicals and preservatives?

Thankfully there are great ways that you can get inspired by organic beauty brands and products that will make you feel as beautiful as you do healthy! If you are looking for great suggestions on organic beauty, read this article today!

Read the full article: 8 Chic Organic Beauty Brands You’ve Never Heard of.

One of the best ways we can be beautiful is by being conscious of the world around us. Many organic brands of beauty products focus on being organic so that they can not only add beauty to the consumer, but leave a friendly footprint on the natural world. Conscious beauty products aim for the same goal and are great for the environment as well. If you are looking for high-end beauty products, read this article to learn how you can be consciously beautiful!


Read the full article here:

One of the most organic ways that you can support your beauty is by using all-natural products that you can find in your cupboard. For generations, women have been using uncomplicated household items to enhance their beauty, and that tradition has found new ground in apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar can help with the toning balance in your skin and is good for your pores as well. A key ingredient in our Toner Superieure, this wonder product has amazing benefits for the skin. If you are looking for more information on apple cider vinegar, read this article today!

Read the full article: s Apple Cider Vinegar Really a Miracle Skin Product.

Regardless of how much you love your makeup and beauty routine, you can always upgrade! The products you use may make you feel amazing, but if they are made by brands that use animal testing and promote animal cruelty, you can swap them for brands that love the earth as much as they love you! If you are looking for the best make up that also treats animals fairly, read this article today!

Read the full article: The 3 Best Cruelty-Free Subscription Boxes Compared

In this picture from my modeling days, my skin looks lovely and clear. I have to say though, that it wasn’t always like that.

Even while I was rushing from one photoshoot to another, I lived in dread of my skin erupting into an outburst of acne at just the wrong moment.

But one of those breakouts, which came at the worst possible moment, led me to the solution that would change my skin, and philosophy, forever.

Into the Dead Sea

I had been hired by the German magazine Der Spiegel for a swimsuit feature to be shot in the Dead Sea. The day before the shoot, I broke out in spots. My face, my neck, my chest- everywhere!

I slapped heavy makeup over my pimples, and hoped for the best. But, as soon as the art director had us move into the water, the makeup all washed off.

The Dead Sea Salts Cleared My Skin

Then the miracle happened! As soon as it was immersed in those biblical waters, rich with salts and minerals, my skin started to clear. In just ten minutes the skin of my chest was smooth again.

Tentatively, I patted the water onto my face. Almost immediately, that skin, too, started to calm and soothe. By the time the photographer was ready to shoot, my skin was completely clear, and no-one had ever noticed otherwise.

The salt water had penetrated into my pores, bathing them with antiseptic minerals. My skin could really breathe and my complexion totally cleared. It felt like such a miracle, and it woke me to the healing power of mineral salts.

Then I Discovered Breton Sea Salt

When I formulated Exfoliant Superiéure, I turned first to Dead Sea Salt as a natural exfoliator. I knew it made a fabulous detoxing bath.  But I found the crystals to be too rough for my skin when used as a face scrub.  So I steered my research towards gentler options. I discovered the gorgeous fine-milled salts of the Breton region of France.

The salts are used as a gentle face scrub to loosen dead cells that otherwise cause skin to look tired and dull. They deeply cleanse the pores, purifying and disinfecting them. Their gentle abrading action stimulates the skin’s surface circulation. A simple 30-second treatment once or twice a week can give you polished skin, radiant with health. – A 30-Second Facial for Radiant Skin

Exfoliant Superieure

The French use the hot summer sun to dry sea water in clay-lined pools, before they stone-grind the evaporated salt into a fine powder. They have known of its beauty benefits for generations. French spas are renowned for their therapeutic use of these fine, natural salts.

I combined these beautiful salts with soothing Aloe Vera juice, cleansing Jojoba oil, and other organic emollients, to make a deeply cleansing and nourishing exfoliant which is suitable for all skin types.

And for a Gentle, Natural Peel…

To complete the product, I added Willow Bark Extract, a natural source of β-hydroxy acid, also known as salicylic acid. In its natural form within willow bark extract, salicylic acid has fewer sensitivity risks than when used as an isolated synthetic ingredient. This lets Exfoliant Supérieure be used as a gentle, natural peel.  Just leave it on the skin for twenty minutes or so after routine exfoliating and reveal healthy, luminous skin as nature intended.


People are always asking me why I don’t make an eye cream, or a night cream, or a neck cream. How come we have only two creams? Our retailers say more creams would fill up their shelf space and be good for business- so why don’t we make more of them?

The fact is, there is no need for extra creams. Based on my 30 years experience as an esthetician, I don’t see the need for eye creams and night creams to properly look after your skin. For the most part, they are just marketing ploys. When you see through the hype, achieving beautiful skin becomes a lot simpler.

Gaelle Organic | Delicate Skin | Organic Moisturizer | Organic Anti Aging Moisturizer

Eye Cream?

Why would you put a special cream on the thinner, more delicate skin under your eyes and then put a less-than-special cream on the rest of your face? Or, if a cream is not good enough to put on your more delicate skin, why would you use it anywhere on your face?

Of course, the skin under your eyes needs a really good moisturizer that has no harsh chemicals in it. But so does the rest of your face! All of your face will respond to loving care, and only the best is good enough for all of it.

That’s why I make creams that can be used on the thinnest, most delicate skin, such as under the eyes, and recommend it be used all over the face, neck and décolleté. A thin layer of one of our rich moisturizers will be sufficient for the majority of the skin, and adding a second layer to under eyes will provide the extra moisture this delicate skin is looking for.

Night Cream?

The same goes for night cream. You don’t need a different cream at night from the one that works for you in the daytime. The reason you may be seeing a different result from the cream you use at night is because your skin is protected from environmental stressors while you are in bed, and your body goes into healing mode while you are asleep. Your chemistry changes and your body, including your skin, restores itself. The results are caused by your body, not by your special night cream.

Less is More

The key is to find one good cream that really works for you and then use it, day and night, on your face, neck and décolleté. One good organic moisturizer will do it all.

You and your moisturizer should feel caught up in a love affair. Nothing less is good enough for your skin. – Gaelle

Seeing Is Believing

It’s easy to see if a cream is right for you. A quality moisturizer should show these results, right away, and they should keep on getting better with time:

  • fine lines reduce as your skin plumps up
  • your complexion takes on a luminous glow
  • your skin becomes smoother and more supple

If you are not getting these results, you need a different cream – not different creams for different parts of your face, or different times of day or night. 

The Best Organic Moisturizers

The best organic moisturizers are oil-based and free of alcohol.

Creme Superieure

We make two organic moisturizers for dry skin, each derived from the finest organic oils and botanical extracts.

One, Crème Supérieure, is for normal skin, the other, Ultra Sensitive Crème, is for especially sensitive skin.

Both of them are free of alcohol and suitable for day and night use, including on the sensitive areas under the eyes.

Their results speak for themselves!

When it comes to getting some relaxation, you know that you have little time for yourself throughout the day. You could try to schedule a spa day, but that could be pricey and finding time in your schedule can prove to be tough. The best way to relax is by creating a sanctuary you can retreat to in your own home! If you are looking for way to transform your bathroom into your private spa, read this article today!


Read the full article here: How to Create a Bathroom Sanctuary Inspired By Nature


Tests for Premature AgingThese two simple tests will let you know if your skin is at risk of premature aging. They will help you evaluate the underlying condition of your skin so you can head off problems before they arise. And they will point to the most important things you can do to keep your skin beautiful, supple and smooth.


We are all clear that we need to drink plenty of water every day and that a good moisturizer is required to keep us from losing moisture through our skin. But how well are we doing? Do we drink enough water, and is our moisturizer working properly? You can tell immediately with this simple test.

  • How to tell if your skin is de-hydrated

Stand in front of the mirror and pinch your cheeks. If fine lines start to appear above where you are pinching, your skin needs more hydration. Spraying water or hydrators onto it will not give you the help you need. The best things to do are to make sure you routinely drink plenty of water ,and to change your moisturizer for a more effective one. That means an oil-based product, ideally organic, and without any alcohol.


Collagen keeps skin firm, elastic and free of lines. When it is depleted, our skin forms lines and loses its suppleness. So it is good to know that we can take a quick snapshot of the status of the collagen in our skin with this simple test.

  • How to tell if you need collagen

Stand in front of the mirror and pout your lips. If you see deep vertical lines above your mouth, you could use more collagen.

Collagen is too big a molecule to penetrate the skin, so topical collagen creams are not the answer. The best way to boost your collagen is through your diet. Vivid colored vegetables, fruits and berries have just the ingredients your body needs to produce collagen. A good guide is to chose foods with strong colors across the entire spectrum: everything from the reds in tomatoes, beets and carrots to the deep greens in kale and cabbage, and the rich purples in blueberries and blackberries. They are all good! There’s more information here about colors for collagen, but the basic idea is to eat a rainbow every day and to make sure you also eat foods high in sulphur, as the body cannot produce collagen without it – broccoli, kale, garlic, onions, eggs, nuts – it’s easy to find.

Beautiful skin starts as an inside job, in the form of good hydration and diet, but there comes a time when it needs to be supported with high quality, organic skincare. For the cultivation of timeless beauty, diet and quality products go hand-in-hand. Avoiding sun exposure is totally basic, also!

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I have a friend who is an extraordinary photographer. He showed me his new book of photographs last week. As vivid as the pictures were, the thing that astonished me most was that it took less than a second for all of them to be captured by his camera. It made me remember how quickly inspiration can strike. 


John O’Donahue, the great Irish poet and writer, described beauty as “the illumination at the heart of the soul.” Sometimes, it can take a lifetime to reveal itself. Other times, it’s there in the blink of an eye.


Gaelle Organic has been like that for me. I’ve always had a clear vision for it – the products the brand, and what beauty consists of. It was obvious and compelling to me, but not so easy to put into words. How to tell the whole story in a few sentences and some pictures? That’s what we set out to do with our brochure. It took a long time to get it just right.

The brochure is now at the printers and can be viewed online by clicking here.  We’d love to hear what you think of it.  

In health and beauty
