To me, the concept of graceful aging is interwoven with the belief that beauty is a constant state of becoming. There is no peak and descent; no rise and fall. There is no blooming fated to wither. There is only the continual growth of the mind, body and soul. Therefore, in my humble opinion, mindset and maintenance are the keys for aging with grace. What makes these two concepts so important? Choice.
The awareness of choice is a gift often opened later in life. In our youth, most of us fall susceptible to the will and expectations of others at one time or another. We painfully attempt to fit ourselves into a misshapen box designed for who we think we should be rather than who we are. But as the author Ursula K Le Guin says,
“There are a whole lot of ways to be perfect, and not one of them is attained through punishment.”
As we mature, we begin to discover our voice, our identity, our truth. We learn to liberate ourselves from the punishing expectations of society, and ourselves. With time we simply embody a beauty that is more than meets the eye. Our choices hold the brush, painting a beauty beyond skin-deep, becoming life-deep.
Awareness of Mind
As simple as it may seem, aging gracefully relies on a healthy mindset. A youthful face is blessed with genetics, but with each passing year you become a reflection of your life. Every line, scar and pigment tells the story of where you’ve been and what you value.
The face you have as you mature and grow into yourself, is one that you have started to shape for yourself. –Gaelle
At one point or another, your thought patterns will become evident with time. Sketching your autobiography on your skin.
With the passing of time, we must hold fast to the belief in better things to come. Embracing a warm perspective on the evolution of ourselves makes room for the youthful spirit to endure. Despite life’s many inevitable hardships, we must practice exercising the art of letting go, so that we can live a little more.
When we choose to mindfully release the negative habits and emotions, we make room for wonder, curiosity and inner peace to take root. This creates space for the most lovely feature one could own, serenity of the soul, and it is the one that blooms with time.
Mindful Maintenance
Beauty is a multifaceted thing. Who you are lights you up, from the inside. And cultivating healthy, radiant skin helps your beauty shine through. -Gaelle
The process of aging is as beautiful as anything else that occurs in nature. We so often attempt to curb its effects with potions and promises, but aging gracefully is an art to be practiced. We must bring awareness to our daily actions and assess whether they are nurturing us on every level. If one is lucky, life is a long term game and so must be our commitment to health and beauty.
The goal therefore should not be on quick fixes, but rather on improving and maintaining what we have. Through regular exercise, healthy diet, mental clearing and a high-quality organic skincare routine, you will look and feel your best. This is when your timeless beauty truly shines.
Investing in Yourself
You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection -Unknown
Through mindful living, we discover the rare aspects that distinguish us from others. The unique beauty marks of our soul that time only fosters, not degrades. We learn to appreciate our body, this vessel, as our most precious gift. By investing in quality self care, we are consciously choosing to value ourselves as we are and nurturing the many ways in which our beauty improves with time.
Thus, the secrets to aging gracefully are inherently within you. They just require a bit of investment in finding the practices and products that work for you. And when we consciously choose habits that nurture health, happiness and authenticity, grace is evident in all that we do.